Advising Assessment High Impact Practices Purpose of Teaching

Essential Questions

The start of the semester is about setting a tone of excitement that drives engagement. We need to remind our students–and ourselves!–that what we do together in the classroom matters. One way to do this is to center our instruction and learning goals on essential questions. What are essential questions? An essential question is a […]

Assessment Feedback

New Service: Focus Group Course Feedback

As I continue my work on a subcommittee tasked with thinking about student evaluations of teaching, I’ve become even more convinced that we need different types of feedback on teaching. Our end-of-term course evaluations can sometimes give us useful feedback, but I’ve often found that I can’t do a lot with them. While it is […]


Assessment for Learning

Today I travel to Syracuse University to continue my work with their Future Professoriate Program. I was invited to offer a broad introductory overview to assessment, and I share my slides here. Please reach out if you’d like to talk more about assessment for learning and student engagement. As I try to highlight in my […]

Assessment Purpose of Teaching

Departmental Assessment

In this post, I want to explore connections between departmental assessment projects and teaching excellence. I do this because I think it is easy to feel that the departmental assessment projects we are asked to do are disconnected from the things we care most deeply about. Too often, we may not see the ways that […]