Advising Guest Post High Impact Practices

SLU Advising Podcast: New Episodes!

Here are the long-awaited episodes 3 and 4 of the advising podcast hosted by Jen, Elun, and Tina. Episode 3 focuses on “The Practical” – what advisors need to know to be good advisors. Episode 4, entitled “The Policies and Procedures”, covers the nuts and bolts information that advisors should know and where to find that information if […]

Advising Guest Post High Impact Practices

New SLU Advising Podcast!

I am very excited to announce a multi-part series (the first two of which are available now), where Jen Thomas, Tina Tao, and Elun Gabriel discuss different aspects of academic advising. The first episode focuses on the philosophical question of what it means to be a good advisor. In the second episode, they share their strategies for connecting […]

Advising Assessment High Impact Practices Purpose of Teaching

Essential Questions

The start of the semester is about setting a tone of excitement that drives engagement. We need to remind our students–and ourselves!–that what we do together in the classroom matters. One way to do this is to center our instruction and learning goals on essential questions. What are essential questions? An essential question is a […]


Stand -Up Comedy about Academic Advising?

With our advising period set to open, I want to share a funny bit from This American Life, and remind everyone how meaningful and important academic advising is. When approaching advising this semester, please remember how much our students have been through, and please also remember that even though it may be our 5th advising […]