A small group of faculty gathered today in the CTL to discuss possible futures for high-impact practices at St. Lawrence. I found it to be one of the most refreshing and joyful conversations I’ve had in a very long time, and I am excited by many of the ideas that emerged through our conversation. I share a few of them here and invite everyone to join us at our next gathering on 11/11 at 1 pm in the CTL.
- Joyful Teaching and Learning. What would it mean to intentionally create learning experiences that were joyful? How could classrooms be a place where students experience joy? How can faculty development opportunities be infused with a spirit of joy?
- Infusing Life Skills. Students are hungry to gain non-career-related life skills. Are there ways for them to gain these skills–skills of “adulting“–across the curriculum? How might this high-impact practice also support student mental health and well-being?
- Empowering Makers. Students want to make things. They want to apply and extend what they learn by creating things that engage and educate others. How might more of our assessments be authentic and public-facing? How do we empower the next generation of makers?
- Forging New Connections. How do we connect students to informal mentoring opportunities? How do we connect students across general education courses? For example, are there events that all students taking an ARTS course might share during a semester? Ways to connect HUM courses to have discussions about humanistic ways of knowing and thinking?
Not bad for an hour on a Friday afternoon halfway through the semester! All are welcome to the next conversation. If you cannot make the next meeting but want to talk, please reach out.
I see so much good, and important, work ahead. I am very excited to continue these conversations. Residential liberal education holds so much potential, and I look forward to cultivating it with my colleagues so that our students experience its joys and transformative power.